September 27

Science Rules!

In launching our unit on Air & Flight, we’ve been investigating some of the properties of air. Each table group of students was given a certain property of air that they had to do an experiment on. They first had to become an expert in their own experiment, and then demonstrate it for the whole class.

As scientists, we predicted what we thought would happen and then tried to explain what REALLY happened.

 What do you think will happen if you blow air between 2 balloons?

What do you think weighs more: an inflated balloon or an ’empty’ balloon?  Why?

Try attaching a balloon to the mouth of a bottle and see if you can blow up a balloon inside of the bottle!

What happens?

This one you need a parent for! What will happen if you attach a balloon to an empty bottle and sit it in hot water?

What will happen if you sit it in cold/icy water?

Look what we discovered when you hold a strip of paper under your lips and blow air over the top of the paper! It seems to levitate! But…it’s not magic! It’s science.

Bet your friend or parent that they can’t blow a wad of paper into a bottle. Check out the video below, too!

We won’t give away the answers yet, just in case you want to try the experiments for yourselves. Stay tuned to a future post for the answers! Have fun fellow scientists!

Posted September 27, 2012 by MrsS in category 2012-2013 Posts, Science and Social Studies

26 thoughts on “Science Rules!

  1. Mrs.M

    Hi Mrs. B.
    It seems that the kids are having so much fun working and learning with you,I’m really happy.Thank you for all
    your efforts.

  2. Marielle

    Dear Miss B
    The science we did last week was AWESOME! The balloon in bottle dose not blow up because, the air that is inside is pushing the balloon so it can, get out.

    From Marielle

  3. Mrs. Antonio

    Hi Miss B,

    I love what you are doing in science class. Having the students take part in experiments is a great way for them to learn!

    Have fun,

    Mrs. Antonio

    1. missb (Post author)

      Hi Mrs. Antonio,

      We love learning by doing! We try to do it as much as possible in all subject areas!

      Thanks for your comment! We hope you comment again soon.
      Miss B.

  4. Matthew A.

    Hi Miss B,

    My favourite science project that we did in class was when Mary-Elle, Grant, and Nerissa attempted to blow up a balloon inside their bottles. I found this project was pretty cool and fun because I really didn’t think there would be anything inside the bottles to stop the balloons from expanding.

    Thanks for telling me about the tip on how to blow up a balloon successfully in a bottle. I can’t wait until the next science project.


  5. athena

    Dear Miss B and classmates,
    I like the science experiments a lot. It was a good opportunity to do a lot of hands on experiments, I also get to make my own discoveries rather sitting down and read about those experiments and writing the facts on a sheet of paper. I am looking forward to do
    more experiments and discover more things in the future. My favourite project was the balloon in the bottle because my classmates discovered that when they tried to blow air into the bottle the balloon would not blow up cause theres no room inside

  6. mariana


    I really liked all of them.I think they are really fun insded of having to do worksheets or to write.I am really looking forward on doing more expirements this year.


  7. Claire

    Dear Miss B and class mates,
    I think my favourite experiment was the balloon in the bottle because I thought that it was so cool when they tried to blow it up but it wouldn’t. I love doing hands on activities because it gives you a better idea of what will happen then reading the experiment. I can’t wait for our next science lesson!
    From, Claire

  8. t.k.n

    Hello Miss B and fellow classmates.

    I loved every science project alot. It is very hard to choose one. But I think I would have to choose the “balloon on the scale” because of the new things we learned like air has mass but not alot . I cant wait to learn more about air.

    Sincerely, your friend, T.K.N

  9. Kennedy

    I think that those science experiments were way better than having to do written work. To get to see all of them done by different people was cool to. The experiment I liked the most was the balloon in the bottle.


  10. Andreia

    Dear Miss B,
    I liked the hot water/cold water project best, because the group explained it very well which made it more fun to watch. The outcome may not have been what some people expected, but it made a lot of sense to me. That makes it a lot cooler to see. I hope we can do projects like this again.


  11. Emma

    those experiments are all realy cool. I don’t know what one I like best, but I think I will have to pick the one with the balloon in the bottle.

    What I liked best was how no matter how hard you blow the balloon does not blow up.

    Sinceriely Emma

  12. Rudy

    Dear MissB.

    I loved the activity a lot. It`s much better than
    just doing a writing answer. I`m still working on the two balloons thing.

    Thanks for letting us do the activity


    1. missb (Post author)

      I agree–I think it’s much better than doing paper and pencil tasks all the time! Science should be hands-on as much as possible!
      Miss B.

  13. maria alejandra

    I learned that the air can do many things such as: the air we can raise things, and things can inflate with hot air can blow because when air occupies space on something this takes shape

  14. Nerissa

    Dear Ms.B,
    The science we did this week was so cool! I exspeacilly liked how each project was so different from each other. I learned alot about air and how it has preasure, mass and how it takes up space. Hopfully we get to do more experiments this year in other subjects.


  15. hunter

    Hello bloggers my name is Hunter.My group did the experiment at the very top,before we tried the experiment we thought the baloons would go outward.Next we tried the experiment so we blew in between the baloons.Now your probably wondering what happened well the baloons went together,why is because moving air has less pressure than still air so the still air pushed the baloons into the moving air so they went together. Thanks for reading our post.

  16. gabby

    I liked the ballon in a bottle! I think it’s cool because you can trick parents. I had alot of fun seeing what would happen.

  17. Tadeos

    Dear readers,
    My favourite experiment was balloon in bottle because
    if you poke a hole in the bottle you can trick somebody. I also liked the one that had a balloon on a string because they tried to blow them apart but they kept coming together.
    From the experiments I learned that slow moving air has more force then fast moving air.


    1. missb (Post author)

      So, have you tried to trick someone yet with the experiment you are talking about?
      I liked the balloon experiment, too! It’s one of my favourites.

      Miss B.

  18. Conner

    I learned that slow moving air is stronger than fast moving air. I learned that when they did the levitating paper experiment. I enjoyed doing the experiment’s because I learned why serotine things do what they do.

  19. Isabela


    I think all of the experiments were really cool. One of my favorite experiments was Air Has Mass. What I learned from the experiment was that a full balloon weighs more than an empty balloon. I learned from all of the experiments.

    From : Isabela

  20. zack

    My favourite science expermint was the hot and the cold expermint because it was really cool how when you put the balloon in the hot water it would expand. Then when you put it in the cold one the air came out of the balloon. This was my favourite science expermint.


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