May 20

Let’s Celebrate World Bee Day 2022

Today we celebrated World Bee Day by learning all about bees!

Turkey Jay, Mrs. Sullivan’s husband, is a beekeeper and loaned us many of his bee keeper tools and items so we could understand how bees produce honey and all that is involved in the process. 




wearing a beekeeper veil

We painted beehives (actually called ‘honey supers’) to make them prettier and played Kahoot to test our knowledge.

Bees are so important for many things, especially for pollination! Did you know that every 3rd spoonful of food depends on pollination? As bees move from flower to flower in search of nectar, they leave behind grains of pollen on the sticky surface, allowing plants to grow and produce food. 

In order to produce a kilogram of honey, a bee has to visit four million flowers and fly four times the distance around the planet.

Bees are critical to our survival. Did you know that there are more and more negative effects on the health of bees, which makes them increasingly endangered? We must take extra care of their survival.

Bees are such fascinating creatures.

What do YOU still wonder about bees?



Posted May 20, 2022 by MrsS in category 2020-2021, Science and Social Studies, Teacher Talk

2 thoughts on “Let’s Celebrate World Bee Day 2022

  1. Cinthya

    Mrs.Sullivan, my son arrives at home super excited about the bees, he gave me a bees master class! I am so grateful because now he admire the bees and hopefully he wouldn’t be afraid of bees anymore!

    1. MrsS (Post author)

      That is wonderful to hear. He is right…there is no need to be afraid of honeybees, only admiration and awe. They are incredible creatures!


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