December 16

Christmas Concert

IMG_1880 IMG_1881 IMG_1885 IMG_1891 IMG_1893 IMG_1894 Our annual Christmas Concert took place recently and although not everyone could attend, it was a great turnout overall. The seats were filled with parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, brothers and sisters all eager to listen to the songs we’ve prepared over the last several weeks.

Beautiful songs and voices filled the auditorium with Christmas cheer as Mr. H (and Mrs. R-B) conducted us through our songs.

Congratulations everyone for a job well done! It’s not easy to stand in front of an audience but you did it. I’m so proud of you.

Posted December 16, 2014 by MrsS in category 2014-2015, Teacher Talk

1 thoughts on “Christmas Concert

  1. Sherry Benko

    I really enjoyed the concert last night. Thanks everyone for all of your hard work. All the beautiful music has certainly put me in the Christmas spirit. Have a wonderful holiday everyone!


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