February 8

Mirror Image

Most drama presentations have taken place (we have 1 group left) involving something called “mirror image”. Students practice how to mirror their partner. The movements can become more complex as more movement is involved, especially involving the feet and turning the body. Mirror image is about building presence and using non-verbal communication skills to convey a story.

They did very well and many even dressed the part as you can see in some of the pictures. 


Lastly, I’ll leave with you with this gorgeous example of blending drama with dance.

What do you think of this piece?


January 26

Museum School

Our class spent 5 days at the Museum of Ontario Archaeology learning all about the Indigenous peoples of our region. The site on which the museum sits was home to many Haudenosaunee who built longhouses. These longhouses are no longer there but archaeologists know exactly where they had been built because of what is called postholes.

Postholes: A posthole shows where a wooden pole or post once stood. When they are found by archaeologists, postholes usually look like dark circular or semi-circular stains in the soil because the hole was filled with different dirt.

The people who occupied the Lawson site likely chose the site for its strategic location. The plateau it sits on acts like a natural defense mechanism. They build a palisade that surrounds the entire village for protection. 

We learned so many different things about archaeology and even became archaeologists ourselves! We went digging for artifacts in soil and even simulated an underwater excavation at the bottom of a lake! We used flashlights to help us find these items and we carefully recorded what we found, just like a real archaeologist!

We explored the inside and outside of a longhouse using virtual reality goggles and learned how the Indigenous peoples would have lived inside. Some of the foods they ate included the “3 sisters” which included

  • squash
  • beans
  • maize.      They even ate sunflower seeds, too.

We made many crafts during our week including our own artifacts out of clay, a clay pinch pot, a wampum keychain, a diorama of a longhouse, and a letter to a family member or friend written using a quill.

Wampum Belts

Wampum is a traditional shell bead and includes white shell beads and purple beads made from a hard-shelled clam. Before European contact, strings of wampum were used for storytelling, ceremonial gifts, and recording important treaties and historical events.

Here are some thinking questions for you:

  • What is midden?
  • What kind of meat would the Indigenous people have eaten?
  • What did they make with maize?
  • Where did the Haudenosaunee sleep when inside the longhouse?
  • How many people could live in a longhouse?
  • What types of tools do archaeologists use?
  • Where in the soil would really old artifacts typically be found?
  • What does “Haudenosaunee” mean?
  • What are 4 reasons why the Indigenous peoples chose the Lawson site to build their settlement?


What was one thing you really enjoyed about Museum School? What will you miss?

January 19

Cursive Writing

Cursive writing is in full swing. During the week, we gather on the carpet to listen and observe how to write various letters in cursive. We have been given cursive writing books to help us practice and apply our learning from class.

So far we have learned the letters a, d, c, o, e, l, i, t, u, w

Great work, Grade 3s! 

Parents: Do you remember learning cursive? What grade were you in?

January 13

One Word

We read a book today called One Word for Kids by Jimmy Page, Jon Gordon and Dan Britton. This is a great book to read at the start of the school year, but also right now! As we begin the year 2025 and embark on a new term in school, we are being asked to reflect on a word that helps us be our best. Perhaps it’s a word that reminds us to focus on something we want to achieve within ourselves such as being brave, courageous, kind, understanding, etc.

Each of us are going to pick our own ONE WORD and we will be creating bracelets with this word, too! Our words will be displayed in our classroom as a visual reminder of the word we chose and the WHY behind it.

Mrs. Sullivan’s word was “Family” because she wants to carve out even more time to spend with them. They are the most important thing in her life.

Have a listen to the book!






What’s YOUR one word?

January 11

Our First Week Back

Welcome back, Grade 3s! Did you have a nice holiday? What kept you busy over Christmas?

It’s been a wonderful week back together. The weather has been…wintery! We’ve had plenty of snow to keep us busy at recess. We even tried snowshoeing! 

We are continuing to write our rough copies of our stories about being trapped in a snowglobe. So, stay tuned for the finished products coming soon! We have launched into our reading unit all about nonfiction.  Our math unit is in learning all about shapes, in particular 3D shapes. We’ve been investigating how prisms and pyramids are different from each other. We looked at nets of various shapes and sometimes were quite surprised at what the net looked like when the shape was “unfolded”.

How many different 3D shapes can you find around your home?

In Social Studies, we have been learning from different perspectives of European peoples leaving their home country in search of a new way of life in Canada. As well, we’ve been gaining an understanding how the Indigenous peoples and newcomers interacted with one another.

Recently, we learned about the buffalo and how important they were to the Cree people. We listened to a read aloud online called Honouring the Buffalo by Judith Silverthorne. We were amazed at how many ways the Cree used the buffalo parts.

In art, we were working with warm or cool colours to create a background for our snowy scene. Our next stage is to paint some birch trees with shadows. Stay tuned for our final products! We can’t wait to share them with you.

January 2

Habitat Projects

In our recent science unit, the students have explored many different habitats around the world including:

  • Rainforest
  • Wetlands
  • Forest
  • Desert
  • Ocean
  • Grasslands
  • Arctic

Our final projects are complete and we’d like to share them with you!

They researched all about their habitat and built a shoebox diorama. They took on the role of National Geographic explorer and reported from their own habitat they researched. They wrote their own scripts, rehearsed them, and finally presented in front of a green screen. 

Amazing work, Grade 3s! My next post will show your presentations

but you’ll need a password from me to view it. Stay tuned!


December 22

Merry Christmas!

It’s a most holy and special time of year! The 4th Advent candle (another purple candle) will be lit this Sunday which means that Jesus’ birthday is right around the corner! On December 25, we celebrate the birth of our King.

Our Grade 3s and myself wish you and your families a blessed, beautiful, and wonderful Christmas! Gather with the ones you love, and remember the true reason for the season.

God Bless and have a Happy New Year!

Mrs. Sullivan


Here is a video we watched in class and had good discussion around the term “gift” and how rich are lives really all simply with the things we already have and most importantly the people in our lives who love us.

December 22

Grinch Day!

During the last week of school, we had a little fun with Dr. Seuss’ Grinch Day. We celebrated with some Grinch Math, made Grinch headbands, sang along with the Grinch song sung by Thurl Ravenscroft in the original movie, watched the original movie, and even ate some Grinchy green cupcakes!

Which Grinch movie is YOUR favourite?


December 21

Narrative Writing

Our personal narratives are complete and boy are we proud! The students have worked through the entire writing process from generating ideas to drafting, to writing, editing, publishing. 

A personal narrative is a true story about yourself. 

We enjoyed reading each other’s stories and leaving some compliments as well.

In the new year, we plan to share our stories with another class. 

We had stories written about visiting an arcade, a roller coaster ride, getting a new pet, building a snow fort, and much more.

Great job, Grade 3s!