June 24

Camping Extravaganza

I think I can speak for everyone when I say our camping experience at Camp KeeMoKee was one to be remembered for a loooooonng time! We had an AMAZING time!

At 9:30am, our students, or should I say campers, filed onto the bus which quickly became loaded with sleeping bags, pillows, stuffed animals, backpacks and most of all…excitement. There wasn’t much room for anything else. Within about 20 minutes, we safely arrived. We were immediately greeted by several camp counselors saying “Hello!” and “Good Morning!” to each of us as we stepped off the bus. The sun was shining and the day was absolutely beautiful.

Orienteering, archery, Gaga Ball, Low Ropes Course, Creek Stomp, TUCK shop, Crafts, free time in our bunks with friends…there was never a shortage of things to do.

It had rained at dinner time which was perfect for us because we were already inside eating and it quickly cleared and had cooled down the air, making way for an enjoyable evening. We were all looking forward to have our much anticipated campfire and s’mores. The counselors, whose names included Pineapple and Cap, were always there with us, leading us through our activities and ensuring we had a good time.

Campfire songs and silliness, complete with a visit from our principal who brought Timbits (yay!), helped to bring our long, tiring, but satisfying day to a close.  But, there was one more activity planned for us–Capture the Flag…in the dark! We each were given glo-sticks, were split into 2 teams and given boundaries. Clutching our flashlights, the campers set off into the dark to find their opposing team’s glow in the dark “flag”.  For some students, this was one of their favourite activities at camp. You can’t get much cooler than glow-in-the-dark Capture the Flag!

By 10:30, lights were out and students were either exhausted and ready for bed, or ready for a night of quiet chatter and laughs. However, I think EVERYONE (minus 1 or 2 hardcore sleepers) was awake when that CRAZY storm rolled through. Lightning, thunder, torrential rain…oh my! It was Mother Nature in full force and boy, we won’t forget it! We were all safely tucked into our cabins, but we weren’t quite expecting such a light and sound show like that!

A huge thanks goes out to the 5 parents that joined us for our adventure and of course all the staff at the Camp. We had so much fun and will have memories that last a lifetime!

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Posted June 24, 2015 by MrsS in category 2014-2015, Teacher Talk

12 thoughts on “Camping Extravaganza

  1. julia

    Ok so camp Kee-mo-Kee was definitly a trip to remeber! I had so much fun but my favourite things were hanging out with all the people and laughing and screaming and also the creek stomp. Having fun with friends was definitly the best of them all. We did archery, orienteering, and low ropes. The worst part of all was that Kendra, Kianna, Evelyn and I got stung by bee’s one after the other but of course bad luck was chasing me and i got stung twice and I got hives everywhere and it was awful. But after all that things got better and we played capture the flag IN THE DARK!!!!!!!! Now that was fun. By the time we were done it was 10:00pm so we all went back to our cabins. We laughed and laughed but a councelor told us to quiet down, oops! Then the storm hit screaming and laughing was in our cabin and noner of us could sleep so we stayed up and made the best of what we got. The storm ended around 5:00am and an hour later there was a bee in our cabin and we were yelling at each other to kill it but we were to scared so we told the teacher and she told us to pack up and change and head to the breezeway so we did at 6:00am that was fun (not)! But all in all it was risky but amazing experience. As one of the camp leaders said,”There’s no wifi in the forest but you still get a better connection!

  2. Kianna

    Dear Mrs:Sullivan and classmates
    I love the creek stomp the water was cold but the sun made me nice and warm but then i fell in the water.I liked it when we played capture the flag at 9.00pm and me Arianna,Kendra,Julia went to bed at 11:00.
    Thanks for the trip
    From Kianna

  3. Briar

    Dear Mrs.Sullivan

    Camping was a lot of fun! I wish I could go there again. I hope I can go in the summer with my friends. The best part was the capture the flag and the marshmallows! I liked that we were in cabins and not in tents.

  4. Gavin

    Dear Classmates,
    We had so much fun at camp keemokee! I’m sure we will all have great memories of this trip. My favourite parts of this trip are: Gaga ball, creek stomp, and spending time in the cabins!

  5. juston

    dear miss. Sulavan
    i had lots of fun it was awesome thanks so much my fav was archery allsow glow in the capcher the flag.you are the best teacher in the world i thank you for leting us go to kamp ke mo ke it was awesome.

  6. tonyjv

    Dear Mrs. Sullivan and calssmates,
    I really enjoyed reading this post, unfortnutely i couldn’t come to this trip because I slept in on Monday! I was all set to go that morning but when I checked the time, it was 10:07am I asked my dad if he can drive me to the camp, but he said he was busy, I’m glad that you all had fun though. I wish I could have come!
    From, Tony.

  7. karson

    I realy enjoyed it i wish i coulde do it again and again thake you varey much it was the best my favorit part was ga ga ball or capter the flag.

    thank you

  8. Elijah

    I loved the camping trip. It was my first time camping and it was great. My favourite parts were gaga ball, 4 way soccer, and most of all the creek stomp. There were so many games and things to keep you busy so you would never be bored a second of the camping extravaganza camp kee-mo-kee.

  9. chrisjv1

    Dear Fellow Students and Mrs.Sullivan,
    On 22nd and the 23rd we went on a end of the year field trip to Camp Kee-Mok-Kee. I had alot of fun doing a bunch off activites such as, Archery and Ga-Ga ball. Some things I didn’t really like about the trip were the kiddy songs and finding out how to use a compass. Overall a very fun and exiciting trip. I’d rate this trip a 8.5/10 or a 3 and a half star rating.
    From your fellow student,
    Christopher Higgins.

  10. braedanjv

    I would like to say a few words: *ahem* I REALLY don’t wanna do that again, Outside of my comfort zone, I’d rather ‘camp’ in a hotel.


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