November 3


Mrs. M from our school board came to visit our class on Monday and taught us about the competitive game of Tchoukball.



The great thing about the game is that you’re not allowed to block or get in the way of the ball. It’s a game that takes good thinking and strategy. If you can catch and throw a ball, then you can play this game!

In Tchoukball, you can score a point for your team on either Tchouck (or rebounder). In other words, there are no specific “sides” you must score on, as is the case with soccer or basketball.

Have a look at this instructional video that goes over the key rules.

Have you ever played Tchoukball before?

Posted November 3, 2015 by MrsS in category 2015-2016, Health & Physical Education

5 thoughts on “Tchoukball

  1. justin

    Dear Mrs S
    Tchoukball was a really fun and cool game.I had lots of of the strategies was to throw the ball as hard as you can at the tchouk so it was harder for the opposition to catch,so you have to have to be able to catch and throw to play tchoukball.over all tchoukball was a very fun game.

  2. heather

    Dear Mrs S
    Playing tchoukball was a great learning experience and was lots of fun. I had never heard of tchoukball before yesterday. Our team did well because we could catch and throw well like you said. I loved playing tchoukball it was so fun I hope we can keep playing it.

  3. Gabi S

    Dear class,

    Yesterday we learned how to play Tchoukball. It was interesting to learn this sport was a worldwide activity and it was most popularin Quebec.
    Although we only had a few minutes to play…it was such an exciting game to play.
    I can’t wait until we have the opportunity to play again.
    What is your favourite part of Tchoukball?



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