Blog Contract
Blogging Contract
What is a Blog?
A blog can be loosely defined as a journal or diary which is published on the World Wide Web.
“In a classroom situation blogs are about communicating. You observe your experience, reflect on it, and then write about it. Other people read your reflections, respond from their perspectives by commenting or writing their own blog article. You read their perspectives, often learn something through their eyes, and write some more.”
Purpose of the Blog
The students of our class will be participating in a class blog/podcast for the purposes of:
- Encouraging the process of writing for an audience
- Practising narrative, poetic, transactional and persuasive writing
- Sharing and evolving ideas that facilitate interaction and collaboration
- Engaging students in conversation and learning
- Sharing opinions, points of view on a topic
- Sharing classroom events and happenings with families and the wider community
- Fostering an understanding of Global Awareness, communication and collaboration
- Connecting with others both inside and outside the classroom and encouraging Global communication previously not possible
- Reflection, expression and evaluation of own learning
In the interest of students’ safety, the following restrictions have been configured on the blog.
Only the teacher can enter registrations and control permissions
All blog content is subject to teacher approval and/or deletion
The teacher will be notified of any posts/comments to the blog
All comments to any posts are subject to moderation by the teacher and will not be approved if the teacher deems them inappropriate
No individual or identifiable profiles are available on the blog.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding the Class Blog, please do not hesitate to email me.
Blogging Terms and Conditions
All students contributing to the Class Blog must agree to the Blogging Terms & Conditions.
The use of a blog is considered an extension of our classroom. Therefore, any speech that is considered inappropriate in the classroom is inappropriate on a blog or podcast. This includes, but is not limited to, swearing; racist, sexist or discriminatory remarks; personal attacks. We expect you to conduct yourself in a manner reflective of a representative of our school. Following the school’s Code of Conduct is a must.
Blogs are public. Whatever you post on a blog can be read by anyone and everyone on the Internet. Even if you delete a post or comment, it has often already been archived elsewhere on the web. Do not post anything that you wouldn’t want your parents, your best friend, your worst enemy, or a future employer to read.
Students using blogs are expected to act safely by keeping personal information out of their posts. You agree to not post or give out your family name, password, email address, home address, or other information that could help someone locate or contact you in person. You may share your interests, ideas and opinions.
Pictures may be inserted into a blog. Make sure that the image is appropriate for use in a school document and copyright laws are followed. Mrs. S will be conducting lessons on safety protocols, how to comment appropriately, etc.
Always make sure you check over your post for spelling errors, grammar errors, and your use of words.
The class blog is to be a vehicle for sharing student writing with real audiences. Most visitors to your blog who leave comments will leave respectful, helpful messages, but all comments will be monitored by Mrs. S. Any inappropriate comments will not be passed on to students.
Students who do not abide by these terms and conditions may lose their opportunity to take part in this classroom activity.
Guideline material adapted from:
Christian is excited to read his five finger prayer at our family’s thanksgiving dinner today. Happy Thanksgiving! God Bless!
Hi Mrs. Sullivan,
I had fun doing my presentation today.
From, Peter 😊
Hi Peter,
You did a great job today. We loved learning more about you!
🙂 Mrs. S
Dear Mrs.Sullivan,
When we did the servey my question was what is your favourite sport what is yours?
hi it is me nicole. I rely liked the book we read with are mystery reader on skype .I also felt very happy when we read it. I wonder who is are nest mystery reader.
Nicole and I enjoy reading your blog together, we always start by feeding the monkey bananas, and then move on to the rest of the blog. I find it helpful to know what Nicole is learning in class and its a way to connect with her and learn about her friends.
Hi Nicole and Mom,
I’m glad to hear you’re reading it together and talking about the learning happening in the classroom. That’s wonderful! We update it often so please come back and visit (and comment!) as often as you can.
Mrs. S
Great work! Looks like fun. I wish I could in school again. Is there anymore team sports this year?