June 24

Camping Extravaganza

I think I can speak for everyone when I say our camping experience at Camp KeeMoKee was one to be remembered for a loooooonng time! We had an AMAZING time!

At 9:30am, our students, or should I say campers, filed onto the bus which quickly became loaded with sleeping bags, pillows, stuffed animals, backpacks and most of all…excitement. There wasn’t much room for anything else. Within about 20 minutes, we safely arrived. We were immediately greeted by several camp counselors saying “Hello!” and “Good Morning!” to each of us as we stepped off the bus. The sun was shining and the day was absolutely beautiful.

Orienteering, archery, Gaga Ball, Low Ropes Course, Creek Stomp, TUCK shop, Crafts, free time in our bunks with friends…there was never a shortage of things to do.

It had rained at dinner time which was perfect for us because we were already inside eating and it quickly cleared and had cooled down the air, making way for an enjoyable evening. We were all looking forward to have our much anticipated campfire and s’mores. The counselors, whose names included Pineapple and Cap, were always there with us, leading us through our activities and ensuring we had a good time.

Campfire songs and silliness, complete with a visit from our principal who brought Timbits (yay!), helped to bring our long, tiring, but satisfying day to a close.  But, there was one more activity planned for us–Capture the Flag…in the dark! We each were given glo-sticks, were split into 2 teams and given boundaries. Clutching our flashlights, the campers set off into the dark to find their opposing team’s glow in the dark “flag”.  For some students, this was one of their favourite activities at camp. You can’t get much cooler than glow-in-the-dark Capture the Flag!

By 10:30, lights were out and students were either exhausted and ready for bed, or ready for a night of quiet chatter and laughs. However, I think EVERYONE (minus 1 or 2 hardcore sleepers) was awake when that CRAZY storm rolled through. Lightning, thunder, torrential rain…oh my! It was Mother Nature in full force and boy, we won’t forget it! We were all safely tucked into our cabins, but we weren’t quite expecting such a light and sound show like that!

A huge thanks goes out to the 5 parents that joined us for our adventure and of course all the staff at the Camp. We had so much fun and will have memories that last a lifetime!

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June 15

Smoking PSAs

Everyone knows smoking is an unhealthy, addictive habit. As part of our health unit this term, the students were asked to create a PSA (Public Service Announcements) in the form of a rap to help educate others about the dangers of smoking. Have a listen to our PSAs about why you should stay away from smoking.

June 9

Becoming a Canadian Citizen

Gr.5s–here are some links to help you gather information

on how to become a Canadian citizen. Create a flow chart that illustrates the steps to become a Canadian citizen. This will help you with your Bitstrips assignment as well.

Watch the videos first.

1.  http://canadianimmigrant.ca/settling-in-canada/citizenship-settling-in-canada/how-to-become-a-canadian-citizen

2. http://www.wikihow.com/Become-a-Canadian-Citizen

3.  Take a quiz to see how well you know your Canadian facts!

May 29

Good Luck Gr.6s on EQAO

Starting next week, the Gr.6s will be writing their EQAO provincial assessment. EQAO stands for Education Quality and Accountability Office. The last time the students participated was in Gr.3.  The next time will be in Gr.9.  We wish them only the best!  A lot of preparation and practice gets them ready for next week, and they will do great!

Gr.6s, have a look at some of the terms and concepts to keep in mind:






Enjoy the weekend. Get some rest and see you Monday!

Mrs. S

May 24

What’s the Chance?

IMG_2629Probability is chance or how likely something will happen.  Having a good grasp of fractions, decimals, and percents certainly helps with understanding probability because probability is often expressed as a fraction or decimal or percent. For example, we often hear the chance of rain expressed as a percent such as a 60 % chance or 0% chance.

We’ve been conducting some experiments using spinners and plotting our results on a lineplot. We’ve learned there is a difference between theoretical probability (what we expect to see happen) and experimental probability (what actually happened).

We can show the likeliness that an event can occur by using a probability line where 0 is impossible and 1 is certain.

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Of course, you can’t have a probability unit without some engaging and interactive games! So far, we’ve played SKUNK, PIG, and recently a horse race game.

Have a look!

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Click on the links below to play some probability games and practice your skills!

Study Jams

Kids Math Games

Probability Games

What is your favourite probability game?

May 24

S’mores Galore

What goes best with s’mores? A campfire? A star-filled night? What about a class camping trip? And that’s exactly what students learned on Friday, much to their surprise.  What better way to wrap up a great school year than to go camping? The students didn’t believe me until I pulled out the permission form! I must admit, it was fun building them up to the big reveal. Ask them how they found out.

We celebrated after lunch with oven-baked s’mores that were ooey-gooey good! We are all looking forward to our time together in the great outdoors as we wrap up our final few weeks of school. s'mores IMG_2632



May 24

Creatures in a poem


by Matthew

When I go to sleep

each night

I hear a piercing sound

I look outside

my window

and see a dark green movement,



side to side,

glowing with a a million

little lights
with eyes shining,

yellow and white

in the backyard,

even my mom sometimes,

 gets afraid,

of the old oak tree,

and the mini fireflies.


By Tony

I am a creature,

that gets bigger every second,

and every second I get bigger,

I take away a second from who created me.

May 24

A Pencil: a poem by Julia

A Pencil

lines, swirls, zigzags and more

All lays in the hand of a blank piece of paper

ready to be filled with feelings, memories and dreams

as time goes by thoughts and feelings become all positive,

memories all amazing and more created,

and dreams come true

all from the power of a pencil


Thanks for reading my poem and always remember something as simple as a pencil can be a lot more powerful than you think!