November 16


Sugar tastes delicious, wouldn’t you agree? I always enjoy a nice crunchy apple, a juicy orange, a nice slice of pineapple or a big, tall glass of cold milk. Sugar is in all of those things, but that doesn’t make them bad for you.

We’ve been learning about ADDED sugar and where sugar sometimes hides in our foods where we least expect it.

Here is a fact-filled article all about sugar. Check it out by clicking here.

How much sugar can I eat in a day?

There is no specific amount of sugar that is recommended for healthy eating. Remember – white table sugar and other sugars added to foods will contribute extra calories to your diet, but have no nutritional value on their own.  Foods that are high in sugar are often also high in fat and calories.

Over the long run, to better control your weight and to prevent chronic disease, you’re better off choosing foods that have naturally occurring sugar such as fruits, milk and vegetables.

Sugar comes under many names including: lactose, fructose, glucose, liquid invert sugar, corn syrup, honey, dextrose, cane sugar, sucrose, maltose, and others!

We’ve been looking closely at breakfast cereals and comparing the different amounts of sugar in 1 cup of cereal. We graphed our data and were suprised by some of the data but not surprised by other data.For example, Honey Shreddies had a significant amount of sugar more than Froot Loops. Many people think that because of the honey in it, it makes the cereal seem healthier. This can be misleading, can’t it?

In a service size of 2 TBSP, there was about 3 sugar cubes worth of sugar

In a service size of 2 TBSP, there was almost 4 sugar cubes worth of sugar

For a full bowl of this cereal, the students were amazed at how much sugar there was!

For a full bowl of this cereal, the students were amazed at how much sugar there was!

4g of sugar in 1 TBSP of Ketchup

4g of sugar in 1 TBSP of Ketchup

Have a look at this commercial about drinking less pop and more water:

Where do you see sugar hiding in your own cupboards at home?

Posted November 16, 2014 by MrsS in category 2014-2015, Math, Teacher Talk

14 thoughts on “Sweeeeeet!

  1. Sydney

    Do you know any other names for sugar?
    Here are some of the other names for sugar: agave sugar,rice syrup,cane juice,dextrose,dextrin,Glucose, high – fructose, maltose, xylose, sucrose,sorghum syrup.
    How many sugars can you name?

  2. Gabi

    Mrs. Sullivan and friends,

    Last week, our assignment was to investigate where sugar “hides”. I know sugar is easy to find in things like candy, pop and ice cream (even plain old vanilla) but I didn’t know how much of it also “hides” in foods I didn’t think it would, including some of my favourites like peanut butter, pasta sauce and even salami!
    I couldn’t believe a full bowl of “healthy cereal” like Multi Grain Cheerios, had almost as much sugar compared to “unhealthy cereals” like Froot Loops.
    The article helped me realize the importance of reading the nutrition facts label more closely.

    Your friend and classmate,

  3. kendra

    It is so surprising how everything has sugar in it! remember the sugar isn’t all natural like in chips, chocolate, and so on. I was so surprised that relish had sugar in it that isn’t natural it actually has 4g of sugar in a tbsp. go check something you didn’t think had sugar in it. comment what you don’t think has sugar in it and even how much sugar is in it!! have fun!!!!!!!

    1. Dante

      Dear Mrs. Sullivan and classmates,
      Last week we had a homework assignment and we had to find the amount of sugar in certain food items. I found out that there was sugar in items that we thought had no sugar like chips, ketchup and much more. But I have I question why don’t they make delicious foods like chocolate and ice cream good for you? Well I wish. I should still eat healthy foods and so should you.
      From your classmate,

  4. julia

    I find it so surprising that in such a small can of pop has just sugar and acids. Also in lots of foods, drinks, etc… they are measured in small serving sizes ( mostly a table spoons) has so much sugar in it and it’s weird to think I’m eating something with sugar in it that doesn’t seem it would contain sugar but really does! Almost everything we eat has sugar in it!

  5. Emma

    Dear Mrs.S,
    I was soo surprised that sugar hides in almost every food I have ever seen! When we figured out how much sugar was in plenty of different snacks, I thought there would only be about 2 or 3 grams in yogurt but really there was around 13 grams of sugar.
    Are girls really made with sugar and spice and everything nice?
    Your classmate,

  6. Noah

    Dear Mrs Sullivan and Classmates,

    I liked learning about how much sugar was in our foods. Some foods that contained high amounts of sugar were surprising…especially honey–16 grams in 1 tbsp.!!!

    Your classmate

  7. Gavin

    Im really surprised that there was sugar in some of those things! Something else that surprised me was that there was sugar in PASTA (this really surprised me but I dont know about you) there was 3g of sugar in 3/4 quarters of the box.

    Who else found something surprising?
    Your classmate,

    1. Tony

      Dear Gavin,

      I would like to start off with answering your question. So I got pretty surprised when I found out that there was sugar in bread crumbs, BREAD CRUMBS ISNT THAT CRAZY? Anyway I would just like to say we really need to look at the nutrition facts and watch what we are eating because we need to be ahead of our weight specially in the next 7-30 years in our lives and we always have to keep that in mind.

      To end this off I would like to ask the whole class and Mrs. Sullivan WHY we need to keep track of what we are eating and the amount of sugar.

      From your fellow classmate,

  8. Victoria K

    Hi Mrs.Sullivan and classmates,
    I really find it so weird and interesting on how there can be so much sugar in something so small but you don’t even realize it. I think that this will be a great unit and also teaches us how to be healthy at the same time! I can’t wait to get further in this interesting unit.
    Your classmate,Victoria

  9. Stephenie

    I find this sugar buildings commercial quite intriguing (sorry if I spelt it wrong). It reminds me a lot of someone I know… (I’M TALKING TO YOU DAD!)
    In the multi grain cheerios I was really surprised when I found out that all of that sugar was in there! I never knew that…
    I also found sugar hiding in these items:
    > Mr. Noodles ramen: 1g in 1 package,
    >Wow butter: 2g in 1 tbsp,
    >Marmalade: 6g in 1 tbsp,
    >Popcorners (sweet chili): 2g in 21 chips,
    >Pineapple juice: 28g in 250 mL,
    >Maple syrup: 19g in 3 tbsp (not too surprising),
    >Raspberry/Honey vinaigrette: 4g in 2 tbsp.
    Neat huh? I have a question though;
    Is sugar really all that bad for you?
    Your friend and classmate,

    1. Victoria Kata

      Hi Stephanie,
      I think it depends on how much you have, but to me it’s not all that bad unless you have soooo much each day. I find that a really good question because I’m also not sure of it as well and most of the time we don’t know how much sugar we put in our bodies each day, but thanks for the question,
      your friend Victoria.

  10. Jeremy

    I was really surprised how much sugar was in different things, jus a few days ago I saw that peanut butter cheerios and this good special K type cereal had the same amount of sugar (11 g) I was really surprised and glad my Mom didn’t have to make me have the so called healthier one.


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