February 3

The School Day Should Be Shorter

The School Day Should Be Shorter

By: Damian

 In Canada we have to go to school because it is the law. People that live in Canada might think that going to school is a pain in the butt because of the long hours, But we are lucky to go to school. The school day is currently 6 hours long. My school is an elementary school and starts after 9 am and ends after 3:00pm. I believe that the school day should be shorter because it would not interfere with your life at home, it would be easier on your body, and will allow kids time to participate in organized sports.

The first reason why the school day should be shorter so it would not interfere with your life at home. Well this is a big thing because if you have a lot of homework you might have to stay up late to finish it. If school ends late you will miss out on family bonding time. For example, if it was the weekend your teacher assigns you homework and you’re school ends late you will miss out on finishing your homework and your family bonding time. It also interferes with your chores or helping your mom with something. For example in life at home I have to help my mom around the house because my mom had a baby so I have to help my mom a lot. There for I think the school day should be shorter so you have time to do chores.

The second reason why the school day should be shorter is. It would be easier on your body because your body needs some rest at the end of the day.  But your body doesn’t only need rest throughout the day. Some of the ways your body can get tired in school is always sitting down, writing which makes your hand tired, and also running out side which doesn’t only make your body tired and can also bring your gym mark down. For example if you get lazy at school you will be lazy at home and not want to do your homework but just watch T.V. and lay on the couch.

There are many Canadian kids in sports today and according to the GSS in 1992 56% of kids played sports and in 2005 the number dropped to 51%.  The decline in kids playing sports could be because when you are at a hockey tournament or at any type of tournament, you will miss a lot of school.  With missing a lot of school, several things could happen.  For example, you could fall behind in your work, your marks could become lower and your brain may become weaker.  I feel that the school days should be shorter so that tournaments, games and practices can be started earlier in the day. This way, kids can be done with their practices and games earlier and they would be able to get their homework done earlier instead of being up late into the evening.  I play a high level sport which causes me to miss a lot of work.  But if school was done earlier, I could get my homework done before I go to a practice, a game or a tournament.

The school day should be shorter because it would not interfere with life at home, it would be easier on your body and kids have time to participate in sports. If you find yourself nodding or agreeing with the statements made above, join me and take action. Speak to your school’s principal or school board and make your voice heard.


Posted February 3, 2015 by damianjv in category 2014-2015, Writing Workshop

9 thoughts on “The School Day Should Be Shorter

  1. lucy

    I agree, I hate homework. With all my homework I don’t have time to have really live. I love having fun and going out with my friends but if I don’t get all my homework done I’m not aloud out and that is really annoying.


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