April 18

Conserving Energy Rap #6

The grade 6 culminating task was to design a rap that demonstrated the students’ knowledge and understanding of conserving energy. Some groups talked about biomass energy, turning off lights, and ultimately what can happen if we’re not stewards of the earth!

Earth Day is this Friday…what are YOU doing to help Mother Earth stay healthy? Do you recycle? Do you bike to school? Comment below and tell us your story of how YOU are a steward of the earth.

April 17


What is a miracle? Why do they happen? Who do they happen to? What were Jesus’ miracles? What miracles happen nowadays?

The Grotto at Lourdes We’ve been exploring these questions and investigating their answers over the past few weeks. Today, we learned about St. Bernadette and the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at a grotto in Lourdes, France in 1858. Mary appeared to Bernadette 18 different times! We call these apparitions.

Here is a short video clip of the 1943 movie The Song of Bernadette which shows the first time Mary appeared to Bernadette in the grotto.

Click here  for the Live Webcam from the Grotto in Lourdes.  (I suggest you choose the YouTube player.)

April 10

Weird facts

Sometimes, the truth is weirder than fiction. Here are ten odd facts you might not know!T-Shirt Printing Workshop question mark

Leo Reynolds via Compfight

#1: Jaguars used to live in North America, but were hunted to extinction. (in North America)

#2: Certain gestures can mean very different things where you go!

#3: While Pluto was considered a planet, it never made a full rotation around the sun!

#4: A potato can find light in a dark area and grow towards it!

#5: The acid in your stomach can dissolve a rock.

#6: Honey does not go bad for 10,000 years, although it does get hard.

#7: A cat is more likely to survive a 30 story fall rather than a 7 story fall because they have more time to orient themselves into a safe position.

#8: Space is completely silent! The sound waves don’t have anything to pass though, so no sound is made.

#9: Oysters that are ugly and covered in algae are more likely to hold a pearl!

#10: Diamonds are pushed upwards towards the surface by volcanic eruptions, even though not every volcano is formed the same way.

What other weird facts do you know about? Did you know any of these facts before reading this? Let me know in the comments!