November 23

A Day in the Life From a Room 22 Student

A day in room 22 starts at 9:10 when the bell rings for coming inside. We get all of our homework out and put it on our desks for Miss B to check it. Then we have announcements, Oh Canada, then prayer.

Then we start off our day with a nice two periods of math unless it is Wednesday then we have art. After art or math we have a 15min recess. After recess we normally have Language such as reading or writing workshop DEAR time (drop everything and read)  then it varies from computer,  writing work shop. Then we have lunch, and recess we have reading workshop, then french and recess. After recess we usually have drama, health, or family life.

That’s a day in room 22.

What is a day like in your class? 

November 22

What Happiness Is

Today in school we were talking about what happiness is after we finished presenting our happiness prayer service.  In our closing prayer Miss B said that is was perfectly telling us about  what happiness really is.  We learned that almost everyone thinks that if they get this new toy or something that they really want then they will be even more happy, when really the people who have nothing are sometimes may be the happiest people in the would.

 Today Miss B asked us why we are happy and the class said it is because their friends are happy or people around them are happy when really they didn’t know why they were happy, but after we talked about it they were happy with themselves and not because of something else .

 In our closing prayer it said “Lord,there are some who can’t find happiness because they are unhappy with themselves,” that is true but soon they become happy because they got over it or someone made them laugh.

  We learned a lot today on what happiness is and how you know you are actually happy.  Next time you are happy really think about if you are happy with your self or something you got or won because I bet you are actually happy with yourself.