September 27

Terry Fox Run

The annual Terry Fox Run at our school took place recently and we were ready to make him proud! We gave it our best effort to run for all those affected by cancer, including perhaps family members, family friends, and even Terry himself. 

It was a beautiful morning for our event. Have a look at some of our photos! Way to go!




September 15

Dot Day 2023

Every September the 15th ish, we celebrate Dot Day–a day where we celebrate how we can make our mark in the world. It is based on the book called The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the book. We listened to a message from the author and enjoyed listening to a song written about the book. Check it out below.

Today, we found our classmates wearing dots in their hair, on their socks, in their lunches, and even on their nails!

It was a beautiful day outside so we drew dots outside with chalk, made dot headbands, delivered dot treats to staff members, made dot art, and much more.

I hope everyone had a great day! Until next year…





September 14

Open House

A big thanks to all the families who came to our Open House! It was nice to see so many of you and share our learning space with you. Perhaps you even sampled some of the food trucks on site.

Our students had made a self-portrait and parents had to guess which one was their child…some of you guessed correctly on the first try…impressive!

Have a look at our portraits!

September 5

Happy New Year Grade 3!

It’s a new year and that means new beginnings, new friendships, new teacher, perhaps even a new school. There’s plenty of “new” but there’s also familiarity and faces we’ve seen before and this brings comfort and excitement, too.

I’ve been absent for a year to travel and now I’m back in the classroom, ready to embrace the 2022-2023 school year. I am looking forward to meeting my new students and their families. Will we be tired after our first week? Sure, but our hearts will be full, knowing we are in this learning journey together and I can’t wait to be part of all the learning, the fun, and the growth we will see this year.

Cheers to a great start!

Love, Mrs. Sullivan

Back To School Heart GIF by Pottery Barn Kids




June 21


In Fortnite you can build, play with your friends and have a one vs one in creative.

In games such as solos, duos, trios, and squads there is 100 people in a game.

Also  you can play other modes too.

There is a battle pass as well with 100 levels and every 10 levels you can go up to the next page.

There is and item shop where you can buy

cosmetics, gliders, skins and emotes.  

by:  Remy



June 21

Super Mario 3D World!

Super Mario 3D world is a very fun game! There are 8 diffrent worlds and a lot of courses to play! There is a castle for each world, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,and 8. 1 is the start, and 8 is the end. Eight Is the hardest of them all.

I highly recommend this game if you haven’t played it yet. It is my favourite and it might be yours, too!

Written by: Ben



June 14

Dance Fest 2022

Congratulations to all our Grade 3s and 4s for their amazing performance of Ghostbusters last week!

The students had practiced for so many weeks and were ready to present all their hard work. Way to go!

Thank you to all the families who helped prepared your child’s costume. They turned out great! The students were so delighted to perform for you. If you weren’t able to attend, here is a video of the performance:


June 9

Will of Astra

Will of Astra is a game where  you summon ninjas and level  them up. There’s ranks of ninga from 1 star to 5 stars. You collect gold to buy stuff to help you such as armour and scrolls. There’s an arena to fight with online players and a storey area where you can advance into different parts. It’s a free game and you can get it on an ipad.

by: Orlando 


7,606 Ninja Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

May 20

Let’s Celebrate World Bee Day 2022

Today we celebrated World Bee Day by learning all about bees!

Turkey Jay, Mrs. Sullivan’s husband, is a beekeeper and loaned us many of his bee keeper tools and items so we could understand how bees produce honey and all that is involved in the process. 




wearing a beekeeper veil

We painted beehives (actually called ‘honey supers’) to make them prettier and played Kahoot to test our knowledge.

Bees are so important for many things, especially for pollination! Did you know that every 3rd spoonful of food depends on pollination? As bees move from flower to flower in search of nectar, they leave behind grains of pollen on the sticky surface, allowing plants to grow and produce food. 

In order to produce a kilogram of honey, a bee has to visit four million flowers and fly four times the distance around the planet.

Bees are critical to our survival. Did you know that there are more and more negative effects on the health of bees, which makes them increasingly endangered? We must take extra care of their survival.

Bees are such fascinating creatures.

What do YOU still wonder about bees?



May 19

Poetry Revision

We’ve been writing poetry the last few weeks and are nearing the end of our unit. Our focus has been on free-verse poems which we love because there are NO rules!

We’ve been learning about how to find poems that hide all around us, living wide awake as writers. We learned that we need to pay close attention to our lives and see, feel, touch, smell, and listen closely.

Poems sometimes whisper to us and other times they yell. Poems live in our houses, in our classroom, on the school yard, at the beach, in our cottage, at a restaurant, in a boat…EVERYWHERE!

Here’s some of the strategies we’ve added to our poetry ‘toolbox’:

  • Looking at the world with fresh eyes
  • listening for line breaks
  • using juicy, precise words
  • Using show, don’t tell
  • similes, metaphors
  • alliteration
  • onomatopoeia
  • personification


We are creating our poetry anthologies through Google Slides and are handing in our very best 6-8 poems. In class today, our focus was on revising our poems–looking at them again with a partner. We read some advice from famous poets and came to understand that revision is an important piece of the writing process, even for poetry!